chp için arama sonuçları

Yaklaşık 6 sonuç bulundu.

Arama Sonuçları


CHP Spokesperson: Election is up to the second round

CHP Spokesperson Faik Öztrak stated that only 300 of the ballot boxes from abroad were not...


‘2,964 people’s right to life violated in Turkey in 2021’

According to the annual report on rights violations prepared by CHP MP Sezgin Tanrıkulu, the right...


‘Government disregards children’s rights in Turkey’

HDP MP Kaçmaz says that “it would be a dream to expect political power holders to...


Endless bans in Van: The city is now governed by arbitrary bans!

While the bans that did not end in Van continued for 6 years, it was claimed...


Kılıçdaroğlu: Our march continues, we are here

Kılıçdaroğlu’s first statement after the second round: Our march continues, we are here The presidential candidate...


Pollution in Lake Van is increasing: Authorities are indifferent

The pollution of Lake Van, which has not been on the agenda for a long time,...

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